Universal Design

"All students have different abilities, types of knowledge, and literacies; all students can benefit from engaging with texts in different ways and in different contexts." Allison Hitt When I think of Universal Design (UD) the rainbow comes to mind. To me, a rainbow symbolizes a group of individual colors bound together to make one overarching bridge. It is as simple as everyone identifying as one of the colors, connecting themselves to another person/color for a common interest. Resistan ce only makes things harder for of all us ; working toge ther welcomes harmony. Allison Hitt, author of "Access for All: The Role of Dis/Ability in Multiliteracy Centers" believes writing pedagogy should support multi l iteracies that are accessible to a diverse range of students . As a future educator, I am inclined to agree with her and apply this to all forms of pedagogy. I f teachers spend more time thinking about all learning styles instead of student diagnoses t...