a novice.

It is official...I survived my first semester of secondary school teaching! *clinking glasses to toast will apple cider* The job I obtained in November of last year has been a mixture of deep learning, reflecting and rewards. I am thankful for the experience and for the support my colleagues provide. Too many times, I have heard "the first year is the hardest." It eases the mind to know that feeling as if I am failing as an educator is "normal". Lol. There are many things to learn post-graduation as a new contracted high school teacher. (Obviously things a different between districts, states, and regions.) Here are a few things to consider: (Image obtained from: http://www.niu.edu/PubAffairs/RELEASES/2005/july/newteachers.shtml) 1. In addition to fulfilling an assigned "duty" during prep periods, teachers attend weekly professional learning community (PLC) meetings. From what I can gather, no matter if you are a rookie or novice teacher, you must atte...