Happy Women's HerStory Month: DO COOL SH*T

Yesterday, I and several other women of various ages had the pleasure of listening to the dynamic Miki Agrawal speak about her passions, ventures, and book. This 36 year old entrepreneur is an inspiration to many, including yours truly. All the attendants were present for the Saint Joseph’s University’s 2015 Women’s Conference: Live Your Truth: Be Your Own Champion and we were in for a surprise as Miki presented our plenary speech during lunch. Like myself, many of the women I asked were not familiar with any of Miki’s organizations and were energized by her spirit. Miki is the founder of WILD and helped launch Super Sprowtz with her twin sister. When Miki shared her dual purpose for the innovative THINX brand under garments tears sprang to my eyes (…and later I let out a hearty cry – I have never before ACTUALLY met someone committed to helping girls and women in developing nations to stay in school to provide opportunities for economic development in their communities). Miki i...