
Showing posts from September, 2019

Welp! I'm Back =/

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Lol It's necessary to greet you this way, because more than a year has passed since I last wrote. I must apologize to myself for that. Some of you dear readers know that I returned to the United States at the end of September 2018; so it is has almost been a year since I returned from life abroad... and GIRRRRLLL the transition has been full of UPS and DOWNS ...Break ups... moving twice ....three new positions.... incorporating exercise at least 3 days a week ... adjusting to a change in my eating habits to lose 40lbs in order to help an injury that happened a year prior... ending a first-time car lease to buy a new car ...returning to therapy to address childhood trauma... re-examining my struggle with codependency in order to encourage healthier relationships with my pare nts, siblings and close friends ...continuing my daily and weekly self-care routine...  and living single (cue sitcom theme song ) in the States alone for the first time. All I can say is that ...