Let's get Digital, DIGITAL! 12/1/2011

Today's topic for current and future educators is...you guessed it (from the title) something DIGITAL!!
The notion was recently posed to use cameras in the classroom for personal and academic learning. Personally, I think using a digital photography in the classroom is a great idea for many reasons. The images can serve multiple purposes. For instance: images can be used in the class newsletter for parents, projects, student of the week, and virtual field trips. One of my favorite assignments posted online is the self-esteem project.
Summary of instructions: Each student will make a bookmark for one classmate. Students will use the camera to take pictures, in the classroom, of the student who will receive the bookmark. Teacher will assign every student a classmate to make a bookmark for. (This will work with an odd or even number of students. I do not plan on pairing the students. Example: Amber will make a bookmark for Katie, Katie will make a bookmark for Douglas, and Douglas will make a bookmark for Amber or another classmate.) Pictures will then be import into an image storing and editing program for students to create a bookmark for their classmate. My suggestion is to use http://www.picnik.com/, because you do not have to create an account to upload and edit photographs. There are also many features to make the project fun; including stamps/stickers, caption, coloring, touch-up, and framing options. Each bookmark will include the receiver student's name, picture and a compliment from the creator student. A template should be made prior to assigning students to minimize the time it takes to build a bookmark. 
This assignment is a great way to build social development skills as well as incorporate technology into the learning process. I would the self-esteem project as an end of the semester and/or school year activity.
The activity above has been altered for my students. The original, along with several other good idas, can be found at http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~toh/image/DigitalCameraUses.htm.
Happy Cropping!


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