Preparing for More Sheltering in Place: Creating a Mental Wellness Routine for a S.A.D. Winter

I don’t recall the first time S.A.D. was activated in me, but I would bet money that it was t h e first winter I lived on the East Coast. I grew up in Houston, Texas where wearing flip flops around late fall and “winter” was the norm during 70-degree sunny November, December and January days. Exposure to the sun was regular and welcomed. So when I relocated in my early 20s to a state where white winters are a thing, I was not prepared for the Vitamin D I would lose or the depression that would creep up like fog. You should know that I hate the cold with a passion; I socialize far less, except for on holidays, and engage in laying down more and more due to a lack of interest in activities that would normally spark mine. When the temperature drops below 65 (Fahrenheit) there is an uncomfortable chill deep within my bones that causes irritation, lack of concentration and continual longing to withdraw into warm, cozy spaces to recuperate alone. Obviously giving into the desire to iso...