Nov 2016 UPDATE:
Happy Annivesary KaDeWo.rld!!

Thank you for visiting my blog. I have been self-publishing for 5 years now. I am proud of the people I have been able to attract and engage in this online space. May the numbers continue to grow. This blog WAS solely directed to present and future educators. It is NOW open to all, as there are a variety of topics addressed. As I have evolved so has my reading audience. Enjoy! Take care, make self care your top priority.
Be well in mind, body and spirit.

(2011 Welcome)
Greetings & Salutations readers!

As I ambitiously continue on my nontraditional journey to complete my baccalaureate degrees in Secondary Education and English, I am interested in learning new ways to bring creativity into the classroom for my future scholars. There are many ways to grab and keep students' attention. Technology is one avenue I will take to introduce material and concepts to my students. With universal design and differentiated learning in mind, I will develop innovative lessons that encourage positive self expression and independent learning in and outside of the classroom. Providing students with a variety of texts, models, and writing opportunities is essential to my teaching philosophy.

*This blog is directed at lifelong learners. As I am exposed to new concepts, content, and theories I will share my thoughts. Your constructive comments are greatly appreciated.

Learning communities exist everywhere we are willing to recognize them!

Be well.


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