National Education Technology Standards for Teachers

When it comes to the 5 National Education Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers (NETS-T) I believe the most challenging area for me will be designing and developing digital-age learning experience and assessments. As a teacher than wants to work in inner-city schools, with young scholars that are considered social burdens by many members of society it seems that I may have difficulty in creating technology-based activities when many public schools cannot afford to or choose not to purchase desirable and necessary resources for students. Students residing in low-income areas often have to use public transportation/walk to libraries or community centers to wait for limited computer time, because there are no laptops/computers or other digital devices in the home. Designing lessons and activities for diverse learners is made easier with technology. However, if I wanted students to independently create graphic organizers using as a class activity or for homework, the success of completion may be extremely low. The reality of the situation is many schools in the nation will have minimal problems enforcing the NETS-T standards. Yet, an overwhelming amount of public, inner-city schools will struggle to meet the standards, as they have few to no ways to aid students due to budgeting issues. Furthermore, it would be desirable to use technology during instruction and independent practice, however how likely is it that the school (district) will fund or reimbursement my efforts to create a technological learning community where my students are provided the proper instruction to keep up with a vast changing world? Regardless of the obstacles that stand before me and my future scholars, I will do my best to bring quality instruction to the classroom, with or without technology. There are many things I can do with my own computer and a projector, during the school the day and outside of school. My students and their family members will still be able to reach me online, whether they have frequent access or not. However, I have to find new ways to incorporate digital exercises into the classroom, to catch and keep their attention if for no other reason, with limited advanced-resources. One thing I know I will have to do is request grant money to fund technology labs and devices for relevant learning experiences. 


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