Web Based Learning continued...

I e-learning! Check out this link http://www.e-learningforkids.org/ for numerous interactive lessons for various subjects: language arts, math, technology, life skills, health, environmental skills, science, and English language. The site has easy to maneuver and understand activities for ages 5 through 12.
Here's a review on the Language Arts - Introduction Microsoft Word 2003 activity. This is a
well organized presentation with written and audio instructions accompanied by highlighting and blinking symbols to guide all learners. The narrator provides clear step by step instructions on how to use the MS program. Instructors can use this guide in and outside of class. The lesson includes many useful tools for students to learn independently. For instance, there is an instructional key that incorporates several command selections (ex. arrows point to the location of the ruler, scroll bar, and empty text space, once students select an arrow they can learn how to use it). Students are advised on how to begin a new document, format, save, print, and use the editing tools. There is even a practice exercise video that shows students how to use the standard/ most commonly used features. A
glossary is provided to explain the functions and features in/on the program (ex. cut - the action of removing a selected file and moving it to the Office Clipboard). Another useful tool is the resource guide, which displays the keyboard short cuts and menu descriptions.
For more advanced students there is even a
beyond the basics options for additional learning. I will definitely employ this lesson and site for my future young scholars. E-learning (forkids.org) offers several FREE lessons, activities, and exercises, in Spanish; French; Portuguese; and English, students can complete to be successful in and outside of school. Has your interest been piqued -- well what are you waiting for??? Head to the site above and explore!


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