SIOP Lesson

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Lessons are highly recommended for ELLs for any subject. SIOP lessons focus on expanding content knowledge and language through the order of: Students will; Teacher will; Students will be able to; and Higher Order Thinking Skills. When creating a SIOP lesson the goal should NEVER be to "water-down" or simplify content; however modification and clarity are essential.
What is the difference between a SIOP lesson plan and other lesson plans?
As teachers develop lessons the main points, key words, and supplemental aids are to be considered and implemented in a way for material to be scaffolded clearly to meet the overall objectives. The SIOP lesson targets Content objectives as well as Language objectives through multiple forms of exposure to the material, including using learner's native language or cultural knowledge to make connections.

The underlying theory base of instruction for ELLs is made of up of 5 components:

1. Comprehensible input - teachers should provide instruction in a way that ensures students' understanding (i.e. visuals, manipulatives, utilizing L1 (or student's native language)
2. Increase verbal interaction - provide opportunities during classroom activities for students to interact with teacher and classmates
3. Contextualize language - provide as many supports as possible to inform on/link to content
4. Reduce anxiety of students - use strategies and grouping techniques as much as possible
5. Active involvement - provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in hands-on learning and demonstrate what they know

During planning determine which visuals, artifacts, or gestures will aid you in clear instruction for students whose understanding of English is limited. Make ELLs feel comfortable with demonstrating their understanding by providing visuals and other supplemental materials.

Plan a hierarchy of questions, leading to an essential question. Use a series of questions that will involve the students and help you determine their levels of understanding of the content. Questions should range from basic to more advance levels to incorporate all learners as the activities.

Involve all students by using a list of students' speech levels as a checklist to make sure that you are involving all students in the discussion/questioning. Adapt the levels of questioning to students' language acquisition levels. See examples below.

Examples of Progressive/Leveled Questioning and Verbal Cues
Preproduction:  "Show me..." "Which of these...?"
Early production: "Is it the ______________ one or the ________________ one?"
Questions that can be answered with one or two words.
Speech emergence: "Did this happen at the beginning or at the end?"
"What happened next?" "Where did you find the answer?"
Intermediate fluency: "How did you...?" "What was the character trying to do?"

A SIOP lesson template from

Here is a thorough SIOP Lesson Plan Checklist from

SIOP lesson example videos
: - best source, with commentary and explanations (must register for free account to view) - summary,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=149f918e897216e0 - clips posted via YouTube and other online video networks - summary

ELLs deserve the very best educators with engaging and informative tools!


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