Can You Hear Me Now???

After 3 months in Korea, I am still a (USA) T-mobile customer. I am in a rush to obtain a Korean phone number at this time. I have been a T-mobile customer, WITH THE SAME PHONE NUMBER, since 2001 - when they were still VoiceStream Wireless and Jamie Lee Curtis was their spokeswoman. #millennial
For the most part I have been happy with my smartphone coverage. I had to temporarily have a T-mobile representative disconnect my voicemail, to avoid being charged .20 cents per minute for voicemails. The process is quick and can be restored quickly, as well. Dis- and reconnecting the service takes 60 seconds or less; costs nothing but time.(I did this before when I cruised to the Bahamas.) Whenever I can connect to a wireless connection (@ work, home, numerous cafe's and some resaturants) I can make FREE calls via WIFI. I do not answer the phone or make (standard) calls if I am not connected to wifi, because I will be charged .20 cents per minute. I use (standard) texting, Kakao Talk, WhatsApp, Skype and Google Hangout with the regular wireless T-mobile network (no wifi connection, to communicate with everyone.
Surprisingly my apps continue working when I ride on the subway, all throughout Korea. In order for me to have full access to FB and Pinterest I have to be connected to wifi. I listen to Spotify and text most of the ride. Not a pleasure I have enjoyed when riding the East Coast subways. {Shout out to Spotify for holding me down EVERYDAY my first month living abroad. I listened to various comedians and all my favorite artists without a wifi connection in my villa.} 
I did experience a "no wireless connection" error message twice. The first time I was convinced that I needed to get a local sim card to use in my unlocked Samsung S6. However, the second time it happened I thought to restart my mini-computer and all was right with the world again. Lol.
I will update you whenever I change my phone coverage.
Aug 21, 2017 Update: Nearly a year in and I need a new cell phone, because my phone has been giving me some trouble with overheating and delays with snapping photos. I am not sure if I will upgrade with Tmobile or start a SK mobile contract. Stay tuned.

Please note: T-mobile is not supporting this message. In fact, they probably will never know about it...unless someone goes searching for international plan reviews or something related, lol.


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