Sweet '16 in Review

Farewell Sweet '16!! Dear you, I hope you have enjoyed a SWEET 2016. The year was amazing for me. I have experienced so many firsts. At the age of 33 I am living what I call my "Jesus year". In the past 366 days #leapyear I was blessed to grow in numerous ways. I graduated with masters in Special Education from a private Jesuit institution. I quit a job that was encouraging depression due to the lack of emotional intelligence amongst a senior staff that was completely fine with thriving in the midst of drama. I visited 7 different mountains on two continents and appreciated the blessing of sight like never before. I flew internationally for the first time, to fulfill my dream of teaching and living abroad. This move forced me to conquer some of my phobias...germs and escalators. Before August 25, 2016 it had been 18 years since I have ridden a down escalator. I could always go up without an issue. However, an incident inv...