Learn to Feed


Check it out! Where can you aid humanity and learn simultaneously?

There are many features on FREERICE.COM - in five different languages. The greatest, in my opinion, is the different subjects one can select at

to practice and/or build one's foreign language, math, science, SAT, and vocabulary skills. I introduce the website in most tutorial sessions with new learners. Parents, tutors, educators, and students can use the site for constructively fun competition to earn more rice to fight malnutrition and gain essential knowledge for higher education. Play individually or gather a group of players.
According to the "About" section, Freerice has two goals:
  • Provide education to everyone for free.
  • Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
I cannot guarantee that the organization feeds starving people in the US or in other countries; however the idea is a noble one. Enjoy!

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