We now interrupt...

Greetings Readers,
It has been too long since I have last blogged. The reason I return at this moment is to vent about what various forms of media are teaching the youth. Last weekend a found myself disturbed by a group of children that were acting scenes from a reality television show. I have never seen the show, but many have referenced and recanted scenes which include extreme levels of profanity, violence, bullying and other foolishness! The moment left me flabbergasted and upset. As a future educator of secondary students, I will be working with adolescents who are/will be greatly influenced by what they see in their homes, neighborhoods, and unfortunately on fake television programs and their boorish, fabricated "celebrities".

What positive messages are portrayed in the media these days? There is a wealth of negativity highlighted and thrust at the public every second.
I am not just speaking of "reality" programs, nor am I stating that all "reality" shows demonstrate negative qualities. Teachers have to deal with many obstacles in the classroom. I personally feel that behavior should be a minor issue, although it has become a larger problem in academic environments. I believe if we stop producing, recycling, receiving and regurgitating the negative, good results will emerge and become dominate. Educators (that includes parents and other adults) this is a charge to find pleasant media sources to share with the youth; such as:


Lately, I have even questioned the overly sarcastic and rude behavior shows geared towards teenage audiences perpetuate. It is important for everyone to know the type of character they wish to be known for and possess. This is something I will make my future students aware of.

Growing up, Family Matters, The Cosby Show and A Different World taught me valuable lessons about my words, actions, and consequences. I truly miss the days where the radio, films, and TV focused on sending admirable, realistic and logical messages. If you feel that you cannot control or regulate what is presented YOU ARE WRONG. However, you can be a part of the solution by refusing to view/read/listen to poison. 

Here are some suggestions:
-limit your children's viewing time to an hour a day (Internet and TV)
- monitor the shows they are allowed to watch

- start reading hour, once a day before/after dinner (read alouds or silent reading with adults)
- have children write summaries/book reports or have group discussions about books read
- EXERCISE! go for a walk around the neighborhood, ride a bike

- go to the park/playground (to interact with others)
- act out a scene from a novel
- write a play (and perform it!)
- designate a time for journal writing
- teach them to play boardgames (Scrabble, Monopoly, Chess)

Obviously I am not providing new resolutions... Return to the basics and teach your children/students commendable, verbal and nonverbal, communication skills. I am not promoting a happy-go-lucky society. I am proposing that one cautious and conscience can affect millions (i.e. Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Eleanor Roosevelt). Give the youth a chance! Expose them to psychologically and emotionally healthy things to watch, learn, sing, play, etc. Teach children to think about everything... Write, Speak, and Read with a fruitful purpose.

Consider this, http://www.forbes.com/sites/keldjensen/2012/04/12/intelligence-is-overrated-what-you-really-need-to-succeed/

Good day!


Lord Kev said…
Im certainly glad that you have written this post because I feel the same way about what I see on television and I have seen the adverse affects it has had on the youth recently. I found it interesting that the Ukraine has banned a number of US television shows after research provided evidence of mind altering and behavior deteriorating material was being blasted through them. As a student of financial thought I see the adverse affects these shows are having on not only the youth but also the the generation before them whose minds are being washed and re-programmed with complete folly. We have to fight the power of the tube and remember that it is only there for our entertainment and not for our well-being.
KaDeWo said…
Thank you for your comment KevDidit!

I am not surprised about Ukraine's ban. There may be several other countries moving in this direction, if they have not already. We must be careful with what we allow ourselves to be exposed to through our ears and eyes. Our minds are influenced by each encounter we have, real or otherwise.

Take care.

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